This site is intended to serve as a resource for dental health professionals and for consumers of dental health services. It is funded only through click based advertising and commissions from the sale of dental related educational or practice materials available through

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If you have any questions or issues related to the practice of dentistry either as a health professional or as a consumer of services or a patient, this is the place to begin your search.

Every state has its own State Board of Dentistry and they take their responsibilities very seriously, particularly in regard to consumer protection.

They act in advisory capacities with state legislators to offer laws that regulate the practice of dentistry in all of its aspects within the borders of its state.

They oversee licensure and compliance with regulations that are designed to protect the public and ensure safe and effective care that is aligned with the very latest professional standards.

In that capacity the State Board of Dentistry has the obligation to investigate any issues that may arise regarding the quality of care offered to patients, as well as issues of professional and business ethics, including adherence to standards of care for all protected classes without any prejudice.

Generally, the State Board of Dentistry is comprised of licensed dentists, dental hygienists and members of the public, who represent the interests of consumers of health services.

This website attempts to provide the user with links to the most commonly utilized services of the various State Boards of Dentistry, with special emphasis on licensure and the rules and regulations relate to the practice of dentistry.

If you have need to directly contact a State Board of Dentistry, please understand that they may have very little flexibility in dealing with special situations, as they are guided by state law and statute and typically have a mandate that prioritizes consumer protection, either directly or through quality assurance procedures and requirements reflected in their statutes.

Consumer Protection

Consumers of dental services who are considering filing a complaint against a dentist, dental office or dental corporation can begin their search for information at their state Board of Dentistry and look for the consumer protection graphic



In addition, each state has a State Dental Association that serves as a liaison with the American Dental Association.

In that capacity the state dental associations also serve a dual nature, addressing needs of dental professionals and consumers of care offered by dental professionals.

Unlike the State Board of Dentistry the State Dental Association does not report directly to a branch of state government, but its executive membership is keenly aware of state regulations and the measures that must be taken to assure ethical and quality dental care.

The primary objectives of such state dental associations is to protect the interests of its members and to promote the state of dental practice within local communities, so that members can be in compliance with regulations promulgated by law and enforced by the state dental board.

If you have need to directly contact a State Dental Association, please remember that while it may seem reasonable to want to speak with the President of the organization, that is typically an elected position with a one year term. Generally, the senior most person who can assist with specific issues is the Executive Director, who service offers organizational continuity

This website attempts to provide the user with links to the most commonly utilized services of the various State Dental Associations, with special emphasis on resources available to dental practitioners, including practice opportunities, access to continuing education and other issues related to the practice of dentistry.

You will also find the following image links on various pages to help you easily toggle between State Board and State Dental Association information pages.



Please note: Individual states do periodically change licensure requirements, both for initial licensure and renewal. Those changes may include Continuing Education requirements, but may also include other aspects of clinical care, record keeping, personal conduct, in addition to changes in law, regulations or statutes.

We do attempt to keep track of changes as they are promulgated and update our pages and information.

If you are aware of any information in these pages that requires update, please contact


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