Every state maintains a “State Board of Dentistry.”
The State Board of Dentistry generally has a number of responsibilities that includes items of interest for professionals and consumers of health care services.
The State Board of Dentistry is an arm of the Executive Branch of state government and is guided by professional standards and individual state regulations that define the ethical and safe practice of dentistry.
Membership for the state board may be through appointment or through election, depending upon each individual state’s guidelines with are codified through state legislation.
Membership generally consists of dentists, dental hygienists, other dental professionals and consumers who each serve a proscribed length f term and may or may not be eligible for re-appointment, or may be term limited. Additionally, there may be an appointed Executive Director
Responsibilities of the State Board of Dentistry include licensure of dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants with the responsibility of insuring that each individual is educationally, physically and mentally qualified to possess a license in the state.
The State Board of Dental Examiners also issues, suspends and revokes dentist licenses and certifications as well as investigates reported complaints that may be related to quality of care, unethical practice, financial malfeasance, discrimination, infection control, misleading advertising and any other issues that may impact upon the health and well being of citizens of the state.
It may be important for the consumer to realize that the State Dental Association may at times be in conflict or at odds with the State Dental Board over regulatory matters or consumer protection. While the State Dental Association does have consumer interests as part of its agenda and mission, it is generally a member driven organization that holds the interests of its dues paying members first and foremost.
To find out how to contact the board of dentistry, including dentist license requirements, select your state from the alphabetical drop down list in the Main Menu above or select your state below:
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