For your dental licensure renewal requirements please check your individual states for both the number of continuing dental education credits required, what if any required courses must be taken and their periodicity, as well as to any limitation on the number of on-line credits that may be taken during any license renewal cycle.

Required courses, if any, may vary from state to state and may include such topics and Abuse and Neglect, Implicit Bias Training, Infection Control and issues related to the prescription of opioids.

The necessary information may be found at individual state dental association websites and at individual state Board of Dentistry websites

Please be aware that any COVID-19 related waivers of in-person attendance at continuing education courses may have been lifted by individual states for 2022 and 2023 renewal periods.

In addition, please be certain to check the date by which courses must be completed in order to qualify for your current renewal.

You must maintain readily verifiable records of your successful completion of any courses that you are claiming for credit.

The links provided below generally offer courses that are approved for Continuing Education credits and most offer courses that are free of cost.

CareQuest – Institute for Oral Health
Colgate Oral Health Network Colgate Oral Health Network
DentalCare Logo
Dentaltown dentaltown Continuing Education
Philips Oral Healthcare Professional Learning Philips Interactive Online Learning
Viva Learning
Weave+ for Dental [3-Minute Demo] - YouTube Weave Dental Continuing Education
ADA CE ADA Continuing Education
(free to ADA Members)

In addition, there are many organizations offering a wide array of fee based courses that may align with the individual needs of dentists who are interested in furthering their skills and knowledge in specific areas.


Academy of General Dentistry LogoIf looking for the convenience of aggregating all of your Continuing Education efforts in one place and then the added convenience of tracking those credits, consider joining American Academy of General Dentistry.

Their CE offerings are extensive, but will generally incur costs


AAPD learning center

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry offers an “Education Passport” for members that contains an extensive offering of courses for those interested in topics related to Pediatric Dentistry. The courses are on a paid basis and include on-line and site based programs, including those that may fulfill individual state requirements for the maintenance of a sedation license, including deep sedation











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